How we hire
We understand that hiring processes can be
overwhelming and confusing, so we are here to help you along this journey with Unit4.

Our hiring process usually follows a couple of steps:
1. Prepare
Research the roles you want to apply for and your skills match.
Build your CV/Resume to match your experience and align with the job description.
Research Unit4, our websites, our social media, and our resources page.
See if you are connected to anyone within our business, reach out to them and hear their thoughts on working at Unit4.
Review Glassdoor and other industry insight websites.
2. Your application
Make your resume clear, concise, and accurately reflect your past experiences, your passions, and your education.
Point out data points, for example, how many people you have managed, how you increased sales, (and by how much), your data experience, and your scope of work. If you are in your early career, tell us your project experience in education and how this aligns with the role you are applying for.
The Talent Acquisition team can recommend applying for alternative roles (if necessary) based on your screening call.
Leave the hiring manager a message in the form of a cover letter on the application.
3. Interviews
We sometimes get overwhelmed with applications. We aim to reply to all applications and, we aim to set up the first interview as soon as possible.
First interview: A prelimary call with our Talent Acquisition team.
Hiring manager interview
Hiring manager/team interviews
Final feedback

4. Onboarding process
Our onboarding process starts from the moment you sign your offer letter/contract. From this point on, the wheels are set in motion with your hiring manager to order your equipment and give you access to our pre-employment portal. From here, you sign up for your induction course and join your intake cohort.
Our induction courses generally start on the first of each month.
Our Talent Development team, in conjunction with your manager, will walk you through Unit4 guidelines, products, our set-up, and much more as they welcome you to Unit4.